
Showing posts from December, 2020

Basics of IFSC code

IFSC code is an 11-digit alphanumeric code used to recognize the bank branch of your account. The first 4 characters represent the ban, fifth one is zero and the last 6 numbers define the branch of the particular bank. IFSC code of particular banks such as  IFSC ICICI Bank Mumbai  is used while using online fund transfer facilities like NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. IFSC code is necessary during electronic fund transfer in order to avoid the risks or chances of errors.   Where can I get IFSC code? You can get IFSC code of a bank, for example  IFSC Code ICICI Thane  in many different ways;   You can get it from the cheque and passbook given by the bank Visit the website of the particular bank Search at the RBI website Look at reliable IFSC code checker tools online There are many websites online that provide IFSC code checker tools and by using it you can get the right IFSC code of any branch of any bank, such as  SBI IFSC Code Bangalore  or...

Basics of code formatting and comments

Code formatting and comments are being noticed when they are absent! If you are used to display and document code, you just check their existence while confronted for the first time with a block of code where they are missing. If you are running or owning a website, you will sooner or later get confronted with making changes to the code base. You may experience this while making a new HTML element, making changes to wordpress PHP template or inserting some custom CSS. Here we list out the best practices for code formatting and comments and help you choose the best   Xml Formatter Online  or any other code formatting tools. You will be going to know why they are necessary and how to make use of them properly. Coding makes markup more humanly readable We care about code formatting and comments. We need to read, recognize and change code from time to time. In such cases, it becomes much easier if you have appropriate formatting and comments that make the process easier to un...

Things you should know about IFSC code

Have you recently moved to India? Or are you sending money from abroad? For both cases, you will need bank IFSC code  for money transactions. Many people still don’t know what an IFSC code is. You will want to know what an IFSC code is and how to use it, before sending money to anyone online. Though India has a unique system for electronic fund transfer, every customer should spend some time and know what is necessary to ensure that money is transferred to the right place when sending it to a bank account. IFSC code An IFSC code includes 11-digit numbers and you will find it on bank checks and other bank materials. This code is used to find individual bank branches that perform different online money transfer options. In simple words, an IFSC code is like a postal code that tells the exact location. IFSC code HDFC bank Mumbai  or any other banks allows customers to do electronic fund transfer and ensures that money is received on the right account. Meaning of IFS...