Basics of IFSC code
IFSC code is an 11-digit alphanumeric code used to recognize the bank branch of your account. The first 4 characters represent the ban, fifth one is zero and the last 6 numbers define the branch of the particular bank. IFSC code of particular banks such as IFSC ICICI Bank Mumbai is used while using online fund transfer facilities like NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. IFSC code is necessary during electronic fund transfer in order to avoid the risks or chances of errors. Where can I get IFSC code? You can get IFSC code of a bank, for example IFSC Code ICICI Thane in many different ways; You can get it from the cheque and passbook given by the bank Visit the website of the particular bank Search at the RBI website Look at reliable IFSC code checker tools online There are many websites online that provide IFSC code checker tools and by using it you can get the right IFSC code of any branch of any bank, such as SBI IFSC Code Bangalore or...